PM3 Underpins Your ICS and ICP

The new Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and Partnerships (ICP) are designed to take collective responsibility to manage their resources, deliver common standards, and improve the health and Social Wellbeing of the population they serve.

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With the new landscape, many of the organizations need to work on programs jointly whilst also running their own projects and programs.  They need to move away from working in silos, improve their communication and work more collaboratively.

The transformations require robust project and program management tools that can support strong governance, powerful reporting, collaboration, and economies of scale.

PM3 is the solution to do this.

PM3’s partitioning technology allows all members of an ICS or ICP to use one common integrated project management solution.

One integrated platform will deliver many benefits.  These include:

  • Strong governance and project management standardization
  • Improved efficiencies
  • Common reporting standards
  •  Visibility and consistency
  •  Improved communication and collaboration
  •  Reduced costs through economies of scale.
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PM3 will allow the ICS and ICP to use the common PM3 modules to standardize on:

PM3 will allow the ICS and ICP to use the common PM3 modules to standardize on:

  • Risk and issue management
  • Quality Impact Assessment (QIA), Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA), and Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
  • Traffic light reporting
  • Resource Management
  • Portfolio Prioritization
  • Gateway management

PM3 is being used widely across ICS’s and ICP’s where multiple organizations are working collaboratively. Examples include Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, Health Wirral, and Mid and South Essex ICS.

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Why choose PM3?

  • PM3 is easy to use.
  • PM3 is the number #1 PPM tool in the NHS
  • PM3 has features specifically designed for the new ICS and ICP landscape
  • PM3 has ISO27001 (Information Security) and Cyber Essentials accreditations
  • ICS’s and ICP’s can use one integrated platform rather than multiple disparate tools
  • PM3 is a holistic solution providing tools, training, and guidance on how to deliver projects and programs
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