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    Trusted by companies nationwide

    We selected PM3 because we liked its simple interface and tailored NHS functionality. The fact that PM3 is widely used in the NHS was another factor in us choosing PM3. PM3 will be a key tool for us in managing the hospitals integration programme. PM3 is already expanding with other departments coming on board. Our project managers can now work in one standard way and the project / programme highlight reports can be automatically generated from PM3.”

    Kandarp Thakkar, Director of Integration & Transformation

    “We selected PM3 because of its extensive use in the NHS, its ease of use and powerful and efficient reporting mechanisms. We have some very good project management practices across CMCA, but we wanted to have a more standardised and consistent approach which PM3 will facilitate and support”.

    Sarah Atherden, PMO Manager

    "We chose PM3 because, it proved comparable to its competitors and at the end of it all offered the best value for money in line with functional and other requirements. We also wanted to build on the success of PM3, relationships built and growth of usage over the last 3 years which inevitably strengthens the case for further roll-out and embedding across HEE”.

    Anderson John, Portfolio Assurance Manager